Winter is coming! Nowadays winter is equal to Christmas. I am sure, that you agree with me that the most holiday atmosphere is in cafes like Starbucks. Colourful lights, perfect Christmas trees and... Pumpkin Chai Latte. Ok, to be honest with you - I d...
Mannequin in the kitchen. Kuchnia, sport i dziennikarstwo.
Autumn is in the air and even if everybody says that it's the worst season of the year - I try to keep calm. I know that the weather, especially in Poland is - let's say - unpleasant but I have decided not to make any complains about it. Seriously, it'...
Mannequin in the kitchen. Kuchnia, sport i dziennikarstwo.
Czy jest coś, co może wynagrodzić nam odchodzące lato? Tak i to całkiem sporo. Na szczęście, Matka Natura kocha swoje dzieci i jak tylko potrafi, rozpieszcza je.Narazie najbardziej odczuwalnym dowodem na to, że zbliża się do jesień - są krótsze d...
Mannequin in the kitchen. Kuchnia, sport i dziennikarstwo.
Today I would like to share with you some reflections. Normally I do not do it, but this time I want to take advantage of the fact that this is my blog and I take the floor.It's about vegetarianism. For some time you can see a growing trend of vegetari...
Mannequin in the kitchen. Kuchnia, sport i dziennikarstwo.
Spring is in the air!Ok, maybe weather is still bad but its closer to sunny days than it used to be. So before we get rid of warm clothes, I have for you something special for still low temperatures and windy days. After a few unsuccessful tests, I mad...
Mannequin in the kitchen. Kuchnia, sport i dziennikarstwo.