Lubisz smak Pumpkin Spice Latte? Jeśli tak spróbuj koniecznie tego koktajlu. Jestem pewna, że Ci posmakuje. Pumpkin Spice Latte to bardzo popularny napój oferowany w kawiarniach Starbucks. W składzie tego napoju trudno jednak doszukać się dyni w gąszcz...
Domowa przyprawa do dyni (tzw. Pumpkin Pie Spice) to kompozycja mielonych przypraw, takich jak: cynamon, imbir, gałka muszkatołowa, goździki. Przyprawę tę stosujemy w wielu jesiennych potrawach z dynią. Ja używam jej do wyjątkowego Dyniowego Tiramisu,...
Its a pumpkin party! October is pumpkin season and even though I havent been to the pumpkin patch, Ive been pumpkin-ing it up like crazy. I know theres a bit of pumpkin backlash, what with the obsessions with pumpkin spice....
Every year I promise myself: This year Ill definitely make pumpkin spice latte!. Time passed and I never did until now! I finally made my own pumpkin pie spice mix and pumpkin latte!!!!! So ditch Starbucks and their sugary sweet......
I was at the grocery store the other day and I was astounded by all the pumpkin spice stuff out there. I mean, I love pumpkin spice as much as anyone, but even I thought it was overkill. There were pumpkin...
The post Friday Finds: 9.18.15 appeared fi...
Im slightly obsessed with Australia, but it tends to go in waves. When I was a kid, I was fascinated by koala bears, Savage Garden (heehee), and Australian accents. For some reason or other though, Australia fell off the map,...
The post Pumpki...