Hello hello, friends! Happy National Soft Serve Ice Cream Cake Day! I know some of us are ready to say goodbye to summer, but noo, please lets just hold on, guys! Well, I have to admit that I have been occasionally craving cooler nights and cris...
I don't know any person who doesn't live ice creams. Unfortunately, most of them have a lot of sugar and fat. But there is a way where you can eat ice creams and don't feel guilty! I always freeze some herb-fruit mix during the summer. Cause I know tha...
I don't know any person who doesn't live ice creams. Unfortunately most of them have a lot of sugar and fat. But there is a way where you can eat ice creams and don't feel guilty! I always freeze some herb-fruit mix during the summer. Cause I know that...
Its time! Its past time to set our intentions for these long, sunny, sweaty, playful, days.
How do you want to craft your summer? How many sunsets do you want to savor and where do you want to do it? How many ice...
It's summer. And what comes with it is an abundance of fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables. No, I'm NOT complaining! What's more - I'm always waiting for this season with anticipation. I like trying making new things, dishes with fruit that we're all f...
SIMPLE VEGAN ICED-COFFEELato... upał... kawa... ale tylko mrożona. Moja dzisiejsza wersja, może być dla niektórych sporym zaskoczeniem. Kawa jest bi...
With the temperatures outside way above 30 degrees, aqua fresca comes to rescue! Aguas frescas are cooling down drinks popular especially in Mexico made from a variety of fresh fruit. Today I propose a watermelon version.You'll need:a watermelonlimefre...