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La Tartine Gourmande
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Remember Macco soup
Macco Soup While thinking a lot more about Sicily over the past few days, I found two bags of dried fava beans in my pantry last night that called for a dish. So I thought about Fabrizia and decided to Continue reading
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Gluten Free
Food & Travel
Workshop in Sicily
Oh hello everyone, Just a quick note to let you know that if you are still interested in a fabulous experience in Sicily, theres still one spot available in the workshop I will co jointly teach with my friend Fabrizia Continue reading ...
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Food & Travel
We eat a chocolate and pecan cake
Chocolate and Pecan Cake Easter is probably one of my favorite holidays of the year. First, it occurs in Spring right at the start of the season. Second it means the first flowers start to peak gently through the still Continue reading
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Gluten Free
French Inspired
Romanesco, Edamame, Smoked Salmon and Comté Tart
Romanesco, Edamame, Smoked Salmon and Comté Tart A number of you inquired about this vegetable tart. So I am quickly stopping by this morning before Rémy wakes up to share the recipe. Right now, the drawer of my fridge is Continue reading ͛...
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Gluten Free
French Inspired
Craving a vegetable tart
Smoked Salmon, Spinach, and Zucchini Tart A good week always includes a vegetable tart for lunch or dinner. I am deeply attached to vegetable tarts. Tarts in general. Vous ? Undoubtedly, they keep me strongly connected to home and my Continue r...
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Gluten Free
French Inspired
Looking for a start
Its been such a long time since I last chatted in this space that I dont even know where to start to resume a conversation. So perhaps the easiest way is simply to write down words, however they come to Continue reading
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Gluten Free
French Inspired
A Workshop in Sicily in May 2016
Sicilian countryside In March last year, I had made a plan to run a food styling and photography workshop with cooking classes in Sicily with my friend Fabrizia Lanza, the amazing woman running the Anna Tasca Lanza cooking school in Vallelunga. We R...
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Food & Travel
Rather than wait for the post that I end up not writing because I dont have the time, or I am too tired (and then Id rather draw and color with Lulu), I thought Id write something short with only Continue reading
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Gluten Free
French Inspired
Looking ahead
I can hardly believe that about half of a year has gone by since I last updated my blog. And although I have many good reasons why this happened, I am not necessarily pleased to realize that time flew out of Continue reading
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
August 16-17: a food styling and photography workshop in Brooklyn with Sunday Suppers
Hello everyone, I am currently in East Sussex England teaching a food styling and photography workshop at Hawthbush farm. Its incredible here! The countryside is gorgeous, the people are oh so friendly, the weather (yes English weather!) is stun...
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Food & Travel
In May we celebrate
This is the second time in a short lapse that you see us eating this chocolate mousse cake. The truth is that we are May people around here. With my birthday early in in the month, and P.s birthday two Continue reading
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Gluten Free
French Inspired
Food Styling and Photography Workshop in Baja California, Mexico
I am very pleased to announce that I will be teaming again with Ace Camps this coming November (4th to 10th, 2014) for a fantastic workshop in Baja California, Mexico. This workshop offers 3 1/2 days of instruction and 6 Continue reading
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Food & Travel
With Purple
Out Take from a Photo Shoot on Eggplants A few pictures are better than a blank page and letting days go by without popping in to write something. Non ? Et en plus elles sont toutes colorées en violet ! Continue reading
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Gluten Free
French Inspired
Food & Travel
October 2014: A lifestyle and Cooking Workshop in Sicily
Blood Oranges Do you remember how lucky I felt when, two years ago, I was invited with a number of food writers and photographers to spend a few days at Case Vecchie, home to the Anna Tasca Lanza cooking school? Continue reading
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Food & Travel
Trying hard
Petits pots de crème à la vanille OH DEAR, I frankly dont know how it happened. Or maybe I do. I know Ive writtenand meantmany times that I would be able to spend more time in this space. I love Continue reading U...
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Gluten Free
French Inspired
Food Styling and Photography in Paris
Hello everyone, It is definitely this time of year when I am catching up to announce all of the upcoming workshops Ive been working on for a while now. This one, in particular, is quite special to my heart. I Continue reading
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Gluten Free
French Inspired
Food & Travel