Every day Soup (Soupe de tous les jours) Lulu most likely does not like pineapple because I rarely buy or serve itI actually dont like pineapple. On the other hand, my children both enjoy soup because I prepare pots filled Continu...
Brown butter pistachio and poppy seeds financiers recipe If theres a type of teacake that at home we never tire ofoutside anything involving chunks of chocolate as both my children are strong chocolate loversit has the name F.I.N.A...
Radish leaf soup recipe from my new cookbook My French Family Table Les grandes vacances sont enfin là.(summer vacation is finally here!). We can start to relax into it and breatheit feels oh so good. Rémy is happy to have Continu...
Macco Soup While thinking a lot more about Sicily over the past few days, I found two bags of dried fava beans in my pantry last night that called for a dish. So I thought about Fabrizia and decided to Continue reading
Rather than wait for the post that I end up not writing because I dont have the time, or I am too tired (and then Id rather draw and color with Lulu), I thought Id write something short with only Continue reading
Out Take from a Photo Shoot on Eggplants A few pictures are better than a blank page and letting days go by without popping in to write something. Non ? Et en plus elles sont toutes colorées en violet ! Continue reading
Petits pots de crème à la vanille OH DEAR, I frankly dont know how it happened. Or maybe I do. I know Ive writtenand meantmany times that I would be able to spend more time in this space. I love Continue reading U...
Hello everyone, It is definitely this time of year when I am catching up to announce all of the upcoming workshops Ive been working on for a while now. This one, in particular, is quite special to my heart. I Continue reading