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Food Styling and Photography Workshop in Baja California, Mexico
La Tartine Gourmande
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Food Styling and Photography Workshop in Baja California, Mexico
I am very pleased to announce that I will be teaming again with Ace Camps this coming November (4th to 10th, 2014) for a fantastic workshop in Baja California, Mexico. This workshop offers 3 1/2 days of instruction and 6 Continue reading
La Tartine Gourmande
18 maj 14
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Food & Travel
Food & Travel
16 przepisów
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La Tartine Gourmande
In Love with Beautiful Food
Polecane przepisy
Teaching a workshop in Sicily — October 2017
Sicilian countryside I am so excited to announce that I will co-jointly teach a food styling and photography workshop combined with Sicilian cooking classes with my friend Fabrizia Lanza for the third time. We have such fonds memories of our Co...
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Food & Travel
Two workshops in Paris, June 2017
Going to Paris again! I am so happy to team again with talented French food stylist and photographer Sandra Mahut for two 3-day workshops in early June in Paris, France. Join us for three days of creativity, styling and photography, Continue re...
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Photography
French Inspired
Food & Travel
Let It Be Sunday!
Hello friends! Thank you for your patience with me. Ive been in London for the past handful of days and my internal clock is a little screwy. Ive been in town teaching a workshop on styling, food photography, and Instag...
Joy the Baker
Let it be sunday
A Workshop in Sicily in May 2016
Sicilian countryside In March last year, I had made a plan to run a food styling and photography workshop with cooking classes in Sicily with my friend Fabrizia Lanza, the amazing woman running the Anna Tasca Lanza cooking school in Vallelunga. We R...
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Food & Travel
Food Photography Workshop for English Speaking Students
This is a message for my English speaking readers. (Yes, there are few of them, who use gogle translator to read my blog, and many more who visit to view my photography work ). As you may know (or not) I run food photography &...
Green Morning- fotografia kulinarna i przepisy kuchni wege.
Kursy fotografii kulinarnej
August 16-17: a food styling and photography workshop in Brooklyn with Sunday Suppers
Hello everyone, I am currently in East Sussex England teaching a food styling and photography workshop at Hawthbush farm. Its incredible here! The countryside is gorgeous, the people are oh so friendly, the weather (yes English weather!) is stun...
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Food & Travel
Food Styling and Photography Workshop in Baja California, Mexico
I am very pleased to announce that I will be teaming again with Ace Camps this coming November (4th to 10th, 2014) for a fantastic workshop in Baja California, Mexico. This workshop offers 3 1/2 days of instruction and 6 Continue reading
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Food & Travel
March 20, 24, 2014: A workshop at Lake Memphrémagog in Québec
I grew up in a rural part of northeast France with good winters. I imagine that this naturally planted the seed for my love for the snow and a wintry landscape. I started to ski when I was young and Continue reading
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Gluten Free
French Inspired
Food & Travel
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