Last month Mike and I visited Chicago. It was windy, cold, and there was even a bit of snow! Weve bean (heehee!) before so we didnt do many of the classically touristy things. Instead we wandered around a bit, eating,...
The post Chicago...
to watch an NFL game because of the growing number of protests by players on the field, the poll reports, noting that 12 percent say they are more likely to watch, while half say the protests have no effect on Continue Reading
Artykuł We...
One of the twenty seven reasons I need to get back to Detroit as soon as possible is PIZZA.
Bready baked, crisp edged, pepperoni dotted, cheese pulled, sweet and savory sauce PIZZA.
This version of city pizza is different...
I feel like every city wants a food item to claim as their own. Chicago has pizza —but then again, so does New York— Boston has clam chowder, and Philadelphia has cheesesteaks. I dont know how a city gets to...
Mike and I took a little trip to Kobe before we stopped in Tokyo for the majority of our stay in Japan. It was a fun, vibrant, compact city – perfect for walking and easing into the Japanese way of...
The post Japan Travel Guide: Kobe appeared first o...
Tym razem poniosło nas nad morze- jak zawsze wylądowaliśmy w naszej ulubionej miejscówce, blisko miasteczka Dźwirzyno. Spędziliśmy kilka dni jeżdżąc rowerami, spacerując i serwując...
The post Gaba in the city- Dźwirzyno appeared first on Leniwa Niedzi...
Last month Mike and I visited Chicago. It was windy, cold, and there was even a bit of snow! Weve bean (heehee!) before so we didnt do many of the classically touristy things. Instead we wandered around a bit, eating,...
The post Chicago...
In February, Mike and I took a quick trip to Chicago – Im going to be putting up a little photo essay soon, I hope. It wasnt our first time in the city sowe took it pretty easy, basically spending...
The post Sunday Brunch: Bacon P...