Simple as that and so delicious!COCONUT BLACK RICE PUDDING/ Serves 2INGREDIENTS:1 1/2 cup black rice, soaked overnight1 cup coconut milk1 TBS coconut palm sugarMETHOD:Boil water in small saucepan. Add rice and simmer for about 15 minutes or...
I found that recipe not long time ago and straight away there was memory of such pancakes made by my grandma when I was at school. And I decided to make them for my last breakfast in 2013. Delicious!YEAST PANCAKES "RACUCHY"/ Recipe comes from here /ING...
COCONUT MACAROONS/ Recipe adapted from here /INGREDIENTS:2 egg whites1 cup desiccated coconut2 tsp coconut palm sugarpinch of sea saltjuice from 1/2 lemon (or lime)1 tsp cinnamon1/4 tsp cardamon1/4 tsp turmericMETHOD:Preheat the oven to 165 C and line ...
YEASTED CAKE with PLUMSINGREDIENTS:1/2 kg white spelt flour5 dkg fresh yeast or 1 tsp dried yeast1 cup non diary milk1/2 cup coconut sugar2 eggs10 dkg melted butter (not warm)pinch of sea saltlemon zest8-10 large plums (cut in quarters)crumble6 T...
It has been cold for a week now and I started craving more warm food. Moreover, I woke up today feeling not very well. So the time for nutritious and warming up breakfast arrived!QUINOA with PLUMS SPICES topped with CHIA JAM / Makes 1 portionINGR...
Finally, I received recipe of my mum's apricot jam. She has been doing it for many years and now, as I am not livingclose to her, I made mine. It is so easy and actually you can use any fruits you like.My mum's APRICOT JAMINGREDIENTS:aprico...
Seeing photo ofTara Stile's 'Snickerdoodles' made me want to try her simple recipe. I know it sounds strange but I often get attracted by photos first and then I check the recipe and adapt it to myself.ALMOND CINNAMON BISCUITS/ Makes ...