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Dream. Believe. Do repeat.
Hoo Hooo things, czyli rzeczy, że hoo hooo!
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Dream. Believe. Do repeat.
Wesołych, radosnych i ciepłych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia!Oby w Waszych sercach zagościła Nadzieja i Wiara.Nie bójcie się śnić, nie bójcie się dobrych myśli.Oby Nowy Rok obfitował w spełnienia marzeń: te duże, i małe.wszystkiego najlepszego życzyPan...
Hoo Hooo things, czyli rzeczy, że hoo hooo!
24 gru 17
Boże narodzenie
boże narodzenie
21 przepisów
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Hoo Hooo things, czyli rzeczy, że hoo hooo!
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Polecane przepisy
Let It Be Sunday, 148!
Hello friends! Its December 3rd and were off to the races! Or were in the races. Thats more like it Its December 3rd and here we are barreling towards the end of the year. This time of ...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be sunday
Loverove 12.06.2017
Poniedziałkowe loverove z dobrym zestawem newsów, specjalnie dla Was: 1. Mamy to! YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! I won! I cant believe! THANK YOU ALL FOR AMAZING SUPPORT! And still just cant believe! #wm3procycling ♥️♥️♥️#OVOWT A post shared b...
XOUTED - Kolarstwo by Marek Tyniec
Zielony krem z brokułów
"You may call it in this eveningBut you've only lost the nightPresent all your pretty feelingsMay they comfort you tonightAnd I'm climbing over somethingAnd I'm running through these wallsI don't even know if I believeI don't even know if I believeI do...
Soy roast chicken with butternut squash and peppers...
I can't believe it's been so long since I wrote anything here.... And it's not like I'm not cooking, as that's what I mainly do at the moment, being a chef an all! ;) Working in the kitchen has completely changed my life - for better, for so much bette...
Anula's Kitchen
Meat - Chicken
Becoming a chef - week 10...
I honestly can't believe that it's the second last week. I can't believe that I'm becoming a chef, slowly but surely.... but I guess that's what happens when you're living your dream - you simply can't believe what's happening all around you, and that ...
Anula's Kitchen
Becoming a Chef
Let It Be Sunday!
Hello my friends! Its Sunday which means were entitled to three donuts, two cups of coffee, and one really solid high-five. I was in Chicago this week working with KitchenAid and Id be lying if I didnt tell you ...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be sunday
Autumn Pumpkin Cake
In Poland we dont have a tradition of Halloween mostly but for some time now it becomes more and more popular and we do tend to copy some of the smaller traditions like trick or treat or curving pumpkins. This year I had a huge cha...
Autumn Pumpkin Cake
Pumpkin cake
Trick or treat
Pumpkin bundt cake... and a little celebration...
October, rainy and windy weather, all the brown yellow leaves, all the pumpkins in the shops! From what I can see all around the Internet Ireland isn't as crazy about its pumpkins as other countries, for example USA. I have to admit that I'm rath...
Anula's Kitchen
Baking - Cakes
Recipes - The Hummingbird Bakery
Anula's Kitchen
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