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Two workshops in Paris, June 2017
La Tartine Gourmande
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Two workshops in Paris, June 2017
Going to Paris again! I am so happy to team again with talented French food stylist and photographer Sandra Mahut for two 3-day workshops in early June in Paris, France. Join us for three days of creativity, styling and photography, Continue re...
La Tartine Gourmande
30 mar 17
Life and Us
Food Photography
French Inspired
Food & Travel
5 przepisów
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La Tartine Gourmande
In Love with Beautiful Food
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Buy Clotilde's latest book, The French Market Cookbook! Whats new? At the very beginning of June, I was in Dallas to attend my life coach training with Brooke [] The post Best of June appeared first on Chocolate Zucchini.
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Best of June
Buy Clotilde's latest book, The French Market Cookbook! In June, we celebrated Fathers Day with lunch at brasserie La Mascotte, one of our neighborhood favorites, where Maxence [] The post Best of June appeared first on Chocolate ...
Chocolate & Zucchini
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10 Tips for Picking a Paris Restaurant
Buy Clotilde's latest book, The French Market Cookbook! Whether you live in Paris or youre just visiting, chances are you spend a lot of time thinking, reading, talking, [] The post 10 Tips for Picking a Paris Restaurant appeared first on...
Chocolate & Zucchini
Two workshops in Paris, June 2017
Going to Paris again! I am so happy to team again with talented French food stylist and photographer Sandra Mahut for two 3-day workshops in early June in Paris, France. Join us for three days of creativity, styling and photography, Continue re...
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Photography
French Inspired
Food & Travel
With Purple
Out Take from a Photo Shoot on Eggplants A few pictures are better than a blank page and letting days go by without popping in to write something. Non ? Et en plus elles sont toutes colorées en violet ! Continue reading
La Tartine Gourmande
Life and Us
Food Styling
Food Photography
Gluten Free
French Inspired
Food & Travel
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