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Here’s What We’re Binge Watching
Joy the Baker
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Here’s What We’re Binge Watching
I read somewhere that Thursday is the new Friday. Just in case thats true, lets talk about our weekend plans. There was a brief time between 1997 and 2000 when I worried about solid Friday and Saturday night plans, out of th...
Joy the Baker
21 sty 16
Beyond the Kitchen
Binge watching
binge watching
1 przepisów
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Joy the Baker
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Let It Be Sunday, 154!
The real truth is, Ive just eaten far more cookies than I need and Im sitting on the couch watching what is commonly known as the BEST episode of The Office EVER: Dinner Party Season 4, Episode 9. Its some of t...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be sunday
Let It Be Sunday, 141!
Hello my friends! These arent easy days, are they? When Im paying attention, it feels like chaos in the world. When Im not paying attention (aka, when Im Watching Real Housewives of New Jersey) I feel guil...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be sunday
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We know all there is to know about whisks, right? They’re bulbous and handy, the don’t play well in the utensil drawer without getting squished to misshapen or tangling up with the can opener. They make whipped cream if we’re feeling stron...
Joy the Baker
Baking 101
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Here’s What We’re Binge Watching
I read somewhere that Thursday is the new Friday. Just in case thats true, lets talk about our weekend plans. There was a brief time between 1997 and 2000 when I worried about solid Friday and Saturday night plans, out of th...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Binge watching
Mini Beef Wellingtons
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