On this blog we share with you our new delicious recipes. We describe here different products which we tested for you.
Auf diesem Blog teilen wir mit euch unseren Kochrezepten. Wir beschreiben hier verschiedene Produkte,welche wir sind für euch geprüft.
If were paying attention to the small milestones (and good grief- WE ARE), its been just over two years that Ive had a backyard. Its an anniversary of sorts (but really not at all).
The backyard is still partly gravel...
Hello hello, friends! Happy National Soft Serve Ice Cream Cake Day! I know some of us are ready to say goodbye to summer, but noo, please lets just hold on, guys! Well, I have to admit that I have been occasionally craving cooler nights and cris...
Making The Human Brain For Writing Custom Term Papers Help Writing A Narrative Essay Chicago is among the my favorite cities. I lived there for seven years as i was a graduate student at the University of Chicago. I have Czytaj dalej
It's quite tricky to make a chocolate cake without eggs, a chocolate birthday cake which was a request from my 5 year old, who happens to have an egg intolerance. It's no an impossible task, but I really wanted to make something without bananas, as tha...
Hello, hello, from the land of cake! Rosie, Rosie, Rosie . . . more chocolate frosting? And how many birthday cakes does a baker need? I know, but its amazing how many different cakes we can create with vanilla and chocolate...
Hello, hello from a land far, far away! I bring cake . . . So lately Ive been a tad sprinkle-obsessed, and I can honestly say that when I close my eyes I see sprinkles. Its been an exciting 3 months since launching my sprinkle shop, but w...
ENGLISH:Today is time for traditional Polish cake. This typical cake name is pyramidal cake. This cake is made from eggs, butter,cream, wheat flour and vanilla extract. Pyramidal cake is baked on open heat on rotating roast. The roast have a shape of w...
Few days ago there was a big celebration at my hones. My older Baby Girl's birthday. She's 5 years old now "Mummy, I'm a big girl now!". Yes, she is ;) As she was becoming a big girl I decided to ask her what kind of cake she wants for her birthday, ra...