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another windy day.
Dzień Dobry Agatko!
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Another windy day.
Wpadło w ucho.Pół nocy nie spałam, wiatr rozpędza się do granic możliwości, a mieszkanie na ostatnim piętrze, w dodatku na rogu, w dodatku od strony lasu, kiedy nie ma ani jednego budynku, który osłoniłby mnie od wiatru i tysięcy kropel deszczu u...
Dzień Dobry Agatko!
14 lis 15
Słówko ode mnie
5 przepisów
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Dzień Dobry Agatko!
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Polecane przepisy
Let It Be Sunday, 178!
• Annapolis: When a Local Tragedy Becomes National News. (The Atlantic) • Are you here? Why A Pro-Life World Has A Lot of Dead Women In It. • Gossiping you know, its bonding like when we u...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Grilled Lemon Chicken Skewers
There is something about grilled chicken marinated in freshly squeezed lemon, crushed garlic, and parsley that makes me think of my trip to Greece last year. Although it was only for a weekend it was enough time to fall in love with their food. Feta ch...
Happiness is homemade
Easy recipes
Main dishes
Healthy lunch
Lunch idea
Greckie tzatziki
Chicken skewers
Grilled chicken
Grilowany kurczak
Low carb
Szaszlyki z kurczaka
Zdrowe jedzenie
"I said this is over, this is overIt's not true that I didn't matterI did matterYou said you're going away, you're going awayNew York, for more than a day, for more than a dayOh boy, you're doing okay, a wife on the wayIt'...
Na śniadanie
Mostly Almost Sweater-Weather Recipes
I chose the hottest day of August to leave my house, get into the oven (my car), drive to another oven (the French Quarter), to quick-shop at my favorite clothing store (UAL) with one very specific purpose: to buy all of their sweaters. I didnt...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Fall recipes
Sweater weather
Let It Be Sunday!
I have lofty goals for this Sunday: make the banana bread Ive been trying to make for the last three days, keep daydreaming the BEST white chocolate macadamia nut cookies (I think theres cream cheese involved), and polish off anoth...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be sunday
Chicago: The Windy City
Last month Mike and I visited Chicago. It was windy, cold, and there was even a bit of snow! Weve bean (heehee!) before so we didnt do many of the classically touristy things. Instead we wandered around a bit, eating,... The post Chicago...
i am a food blog
Hearty vegetable soup {Zupa jarzynowa}
Another cold day, another soup.... We love soups and this one is just another one that's fast to make and so delicious. Just open your fridge and see what vegetables you have, chop it and add it here. Potatoes? Onions? Carrots? Anything in the freezer?...
Never a dull plate
Pumpkin bundt cake... and a little celebration...
October, rainy and windy weather, all the brown yellow leaves, all the pumpkins in the shops! From what I can see all around the Internet Ireland isn't as crazy about its pumpkins as other countries, for example USA. I have to admit that I'm rath...
Anula's Kitchen
Baking - Cakes
Recipes - The Hummingbird Bakery
Anula's Kitchen
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śledzie na czerwonej kapuście