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Creamy chicken korma... by Neven Maguire
Anula's Kitchen
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Creamy chicken korma... by Neven Maguire
Huge, huge, huge fan of Indian Cuisine. Have I mentioned I like Indian food? ;) I like it a lot, especially when it's "home made". I'm not particularly a fan of Indian take away, always find it little on the greasy side and everything overpowered with ...
Anula's Kitchen
02 lis 14
Cuisine - Indian
Recipes - Neven Maguire
Cuisine - Indian
3 przepisów
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Anula's Kitchen
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Creamy chicken korma... by Neven Maguire
Huge, huge, huge fan of Indian Cuisine. Have I mentioned I like Indian food? ;) I like it a lot, especially when it's "home made". I'm not particularly a fan of Indian take away, always find it little on the greasy side and everything overpowered with ...
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