Ill tell you what, there arent many problems that cant be solved with a hearty bowl of warm cheese sauce. At least thats what Im telling myself lately.
I made this cheese sauce for a big ol p...
Buy Clotilde's latest book, The French Market Cookbook!
Amsterdam As A Family French children had a school break in October, and we decided to spend a week in []
The post Best of October appeared first on Chocolate Zucchini.
Buy Clotilde's latest book, The French Market Cookbook!
Are you a parent who loves to cook and eat well, and want to get your children involved in the []
The post Best Cooking Gifts for Kids (and their Parents) appeared first on Chocolate ...
Buy Clotilde's latest book, The French Market Cookbook!
My most recent cookbook, The French Market Cookbook, is currently on sale in its digital version at the incredible price []
The post The French Market Cookbook at $1.99! appeared first on C...
(EN) We love sport heroes! Everybody in Poland wants to be like Robert Lewandowski and most of the kids in Ireland can tell who plays in their national rugby team. Sports bring positive emotions to our life just see the popularity of Rugby Worl...
Podobrazie wymyśliłam zupełnie przypadkiem. Kartoniki po serkach topionych leżały poskładane jeden na drugim na stosie innych kartonów w markecie. Bardzo mi się spodobał ten stos i postanowiłam zabrać go do domu. Już wtedy wiedziałam, że dam je dziecio...
Testowanie jabłek to świetna i edukacyjna zabawa, zarówno dla dzieci jak i rodziców. Kupiłam dostępne gatunki jabłek, pokroiłam i testowaliśmy. To miała być nauka dla dzieci ale była i dla nas. Podczas zakupów sięgam po zwykłe polskie jabłka i nie spog...