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Early Years Music Workshop / Inner hearing and making your own sounds
Zmiana Perspektywy
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Early Years Music Workshop / Inner hearing and making your own sounds
“If one were to attempt to express the essence of this education in one word, it could only be singing” (Zoltán Kodály) The children’s musical creativity directs the way to perform in the musical style. In the times in when ‘listening’ and ‘hearing’ ar...
Zmiana Perspektywy
16 wrz 15
Eamon Sweeney
Early Years Music Workshop
Kodály Method
Music for toddlers
9 przepisów
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Early Years Music Workshop / Inner hearing and making your own sounds
“If one were to attempt to express the essence of this education in one word, it could only be singing” (Zoltán Kodály) The children’s musical creativity directs the way to perform in the musical style. In the times in when ‘listening’ and ‘hearing’ ar...
Zmiana Perspektywy
Eamon Sweeney
Early Years Music Workshop
Kodály Method
Music for toddlers
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