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The Last Long Weekend
Joy the Baker
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The Last Long Weekend
Ok maybe Im being a tad bit dramatic. Its not the laaaaast long weekend. Its just the last good long weekend, especially according to our Mom-cut jean shorts, according to our flower crowns, and according to our glasses of S...
Joy the Baker
01 wrz 16
Last long weekend
last long weekend
1 przepisów
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Joy the Baker
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Let It Be Sunday, 198!
Hello sweet friends! Wow wow wow its one of the best weekends of the year. The days feel long and the fridge feels like it will always always be full of turkey. I hope you had a memorable Thanksgiving. Memorable in the...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be sunday
Grilled Lemon Chicken Skewers
There is something about grilled chicken marinated in freshly squeezed lemon, crushed garlic, and parsley that makes me think of my trip to Greece last year. Although it was only for a weekend it was enough time to fall in love with their food. Feta ch...
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Let It Be Sunday, 135!
Weve got fires and floods and smokey skies and swampy days and were going to make it through all of them. I hope you are happy and safe this week. Enjoy this long weekend, we deserve the rest before we push through this last ...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be sunday
Let It Be Sunday, 127!
Hello my friends! Welcome to the weekend! I spent a few days in Philadelphia last week (its been a minute since my last visit) and the city has exploded in overgrown green and off the shoulder dresses and just some very fine summe...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be sunday
The Last Long Weekend
Ok maybe Im being a tad bit dramatic. Its not the laaaaast long weekend. Its just the last good long weekend, especially according to our Mom-cut jean shorts, according to our flower crowns, and according to our glasses of S...
Joy the Baker
Last long weekend
Camp Gear: Part 1
Mike and I are planning on doing a BUNCH of camping this season. The last time we went camping was in 2011 – damn that was a long time ago! It was a random trip, in April, in Yosemite. Highlighs included: wild... The post Camp Gear: Part 1 appeared fi...
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Cooking in the outdoors: what to eat when you live in the car
It was a long weekend for us recently so we decided to hit the road and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors! Camping out is the best thing that you can do and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys spending time on fresh air. The plan was to...
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Banana Milk Chocolate Weekend Pancakes
Welcome to the weekend where theres time enough for pancakes and reason enough for chocolate inside of them. I hope you allow yourself at least one lazy day this weekend where you wear you pajamas so long into the day it doesnR...
Joy the Baker
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