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Just Paul and I..
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Just Paul and I..
I kolejna rozmowa z moim małym Smykiem.. Te rozmowy są bardzo inspirujące i często wymagające :) Pascalek jest bardzo ciekawy świata jak każde dziecko- ale wie jakie pasje ma jego mama i lubi pytać.. :)Pascalek: Mamusiu uwielbiam cię w sukienkach.. To ...
17 wrz 14
My Fashion
My Fashion
10 przepisów
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24 Hours in Paris: The Ultimate Guide
Buy Clotilde's latest book, The French Market Cookbook! This is a guest post by Anne Elder, my friend and former assistant, who has lived in Paris long enough [] The post 24 Hours in Paris: The Ultimate Guide appeared first on Chocolate Zu...
Chocolate & Zucchini
Sweet and Savory Garlic Shallot Grilled Chicken
Mike and I just had our first ever grilling session of the season with some amazing sweet and savory fish sauce chicken skewers!
i am a food blog
Fish sauce
Best Eats in Lyon, From a Local
Buy Clotilde's latest book, The French Market Cookbook! France is such a beautifully diverse country, I want to make sure you see and taste the best it has [] The post Best Eats in Lyon, From a Local appeared first on Chocolate Zucchini.
Chocolate & Zucchini
Shortbread cookies....
Wow.... who knew that when you're a chef you actually do very little cooking and baking at your own house! I know, I probably shouldn't be surprised by that, but I still am... It's not that I don't want to cook and bake at home, or that I'm fed up with...
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Baked tarragon & lemon chicken (Pieczony kurczak z estragonem i cytryną)
Ever since Ive tried baked chicken breas with tarragon at Pauls Restaurant in London I was in love! Combination of tarragon and lemon is just P-E-R-F-E-C-T! I was looking for recipes similar to that one but all of them contained... The po...
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How to make No-Knead Bread...
OK, I do admit that I was rather skeptical to the whole idea of "no-knead bread". Being used to sourdough bread, that takes sooo much kneading, stretching, bashing etc. I really thought that something like no-knead bread simply doesn't exist (and...
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Kochaj mnie jak Paul Child Julię...
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Recenzja książki: Paul Strang, ‘Languedoc-Roussillon. The wines and winemakers’
Ostatnio częściej podróżuję na południe Francji do Langwedocji-Roussillon i tutejsze wina skupiają na sobie coraz więcej mojej uwagi. Dotąd traktowałam ten region bardzo "po łebkach", jednak im bardziej się zagłębiam w jego tajemnice, tym trudniej mi s...
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