Buy Clotilde's latest book, The French Market Cookbook!
Mothers Day is celebrated the second Sunday of May in North America. In France, it is the last Sunday in []
The post French Gift Ideas for Mothers Day appeared first on Chocol...
Ive always thought of myself as a pretty standard breakfast person you know, a scrambled egg, toast, and orange juice sort of situation. Simple. Satisfying.
But as morning turns into late morning and hunger persists, my breakfast c...
Buy Clotilde's latest book, The French Market Cookbook!
Mothers Day is celebrated the second Sunday of May in North America. In France, it is the last Sunday in []
The post French Gift Ideas for Mothers Day appeared first on Chocol...
Buy Clotilde's latest book, The French Market Cookbook! April was spring break for school-aged children, and we took a family vacation to the Perche, a lush and []
The post Best of April appeared first on Chocolate Zucchini.
Buy Clotilde's latest book, The French Market Cookbook!
Among the French dishes traditional served at Easter, you’ll find tourte pascale* and pâté de Pâques, French Easter pies enclosed []
The post French Easter Pie with Spinach and Goat Cheese ...
Buy Clotilde's latest book, The French Market Cookbook!
So youve had a look at my best gifts for French-loving cooks and got some nice ideas from that. But []
The post Best Books for Francophiles appeared first on Chocolate Zucchini.
Buy Clotilde's latest book, The French Market Cookbook!
Do you have a cook in your life who loves all things French? A total Francophile who is sure he/she []
The post Best Gifts for the French-Loving Cook appeared first on Chocolate Zucch...
Buy Clotilde's latest book, The French Market Cookbook!
My most recent cookbook, The French Market Cookbook, is currently on sale in its digital version at the incredible price []
The post The French Market Cookbook at $1.99! appeared first on C...