"Don't wanna get ahead of myselfFeeling things I've never feltIt's kinda hard for me to explainHer personality and everythingBrings me to my knees, oohShe shines me up like gold on my armI wanna take it slow but it's so hardI love to see her face in da...
"I'll wait until you have to goI'll make it so you never ever knowHow much I have messed it upWe're running round like we don't careIt's gonna leave its mark somewhereDo you want to show me something new?"Years Years, Take Shelter200ml mleka migd...
"Somewhere over the rainbow, way up highAnd the dreams that you dreamed of, once in a lullabySomewhere over the rainbow, blue birds flyAnd the dreams that you dreamed of, dreams really do come trueSomeday I'll wish upon a star,wake up where the c...
"You know our love would be tragicSo you don't pay it, don't pay it no mindWe live with no liesHey, heyYou're my favorite kind of night"The Weeknd, Earned It1 cały ananas2 kiwi200ml mleka migdałowegogarść świeżej miętyAnanas i kiwi obieramy ze skóry, o...
2 duże garście szpinaku2 kiwi2 pomarańczewoda*W naczyniu blendera umieszczamy szpinak, obrane kiwi, obrane pomarańcze, dolewamy wodę i wszystko miksujemy na gładki napój.*Ilość wody zależy od tego czy chcemy otrzymać smoothie gęste czy rzadkie.&n...
"How can I just let you walk away?Just let you leave without a traceWhen I stand here taking every breath with you, oohYou're the only one who really knew me at all"Phil Collins, Against all odds100g jarmużu2 kiwi1 duża pomarańcza250ml wody mineralnejK...