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keep going
Hoo Hooo things, czyli rzeczy, że hoo hooo!
//= blogData($blog_data['id'], 'blog_description') ?>
Keep going
Wieczorny, "nadprogramowy" post...Miał wyglądać zupełnie inaczej, chciałam pokazać kącik, jaki uwiłam Małej przy naszym łóżku, wspomnieć coś o czekaniu i obawach, pochwalić się wyprawką, wrzucić kilka zdjęć na IG oznaczonych w stylu #itsagirl, #w...
Hoo Hooo things, czyli rzeczy, że hoo hooo!
11 sty 16
//= tagData($id, 'tag_name') ?>//= blog_tag_url_template(blogData(tagData($id, 'blog_id')), tagData($id)) ?>//= tagData($id, 'tag_name') ?>//= getTagThumbnailUnique($id) ?>
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Hoo Hooo things, czyli rzeczy, że hoo hooo!
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Polecane przepisy
Let It Be Sunday, 122!
Mostly what I want to do right now is complain about the weather and how hungry I am. Im going to keep myself from such trivialities except to say that its been VERY HOT and VERY RAINY for the past week straight and well, Iv...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be sunday
Weekend Breakfast: Savory French Toast with Fried Egg
Can I shimmy my way into your weekend? Can I wedge myself in if I come offering inspiration and encouragement? Heres the inspiration: Salty, savory, creamy, tendervery fancy French toast thats tremendously simple ...
Joy the Baker
French toast
Let It Be Sunday!
What in the world is going on with us? Do we live in a world gone mad? Have we always lived in a mad world, and now Twitter is shoveling in our brainsat a faster rate?Its been sad and tragic, confusing and scary co...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be sunday
Let It Be Sunday!
We are in pain. A collective pain that no matter your race, religion, or geography, seems inescapable. What do we do with it? We have to use it. We can not ignore it. Perhaps this is the pain we need to create the change we ne...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be sunday
Monday To-Do List
Hey friends! Good morning! Here we are staring a Monday straight in the face. Theres only one way to see it through. Were going to need a stellar to-do list. Now the secret to a solid to-do list is 1) inclu...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
French Baguette
Lunch is almost as important as breakfast. Therefore, today we have decided to serve some fresh French baguettes. With ham, egg, lettuce, mayonnaise and, of course, cheddar cheese. Nothing like a hearty lunch to keep you going until dinner! This amount...
#88 Płatki jęczmienne
#88Płatki jęczmienne z brzoskwinią, pomarańczą i poppingiem z amarantusaMoja mama zaskoczyła mnie płatkami jęczmiennymi. Już kiedyś próbowałam je w sklepie upolować, ale jakoś nie udało mi się ich znaleźć. A tu proszę. Wiedziałam, że muszę spróbować je...
Płatki jęczmienne
Hello // Cześć
Hello.I've decided to start blog again with new name and design, because I just have started a new part in my life - I've been diagnosed with gluten alergy couple days ago, so this time I'm going to make more posts with gluten-free food recipes b...
Petite Olive
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