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The Walk. Sięgając chmur (2015)
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The Walk. Sięgając chmur (2015)
Spełnianie marzeń to coś wspaniałego. Z podziwem patrzę na tych, którzy wbrew wszystkim i wszystkiemu, a także pokonując własne słabości, realizują to, o czym od dawna śnili. Niemniej czasem to spełnianie marzeń ma w sobie tak wielką dawkę ryzyka, że n...
Krzywa Prosta
08 sty 16
Film amerykański
5 przepisów
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Blog lifestylowy o kulturze, podróżach, rodzicielstwie, życiu.
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Friday Finds: 5.19.17
The other day I had a HUGE craving for a ginger cookie. Mike and I had just finished an epic walk and were about to start grocery shopping so it felt like the perfect storm: I walked off the cookie...
i am a food blog
Link love
Friday finds
Picnic Popcorn Chicken Karaage + Actifry Giveaway!
Went on an urban hike (read: long walk) and packed a healthier version of fried chicken made with an actifry! The post Picnic Popcorn Chicken Karaage + Actifry Giveaway! appeared first on i am a food blog.
i am a food blog
Actifry recipe
Bread and Butter Pudding
Working in a restaurant kitchen means a few things. You wear the same shoes as hardworking nurses because standing for prep afternoon and service night is no joke. You speak at least enough Spanish to insult someones kitchen speed o...
Joy the Baker
Bread and butter
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The Walk. Sięgając chmur (2015)
Spełnianie marzeń to coś wspaniałego. Z podziwem patrzę na tych, którzy wbrew wszystkim i wszystkiemu, a także pokonując własne słabości, realizują to, o czym od dawna śnili. Niemniej czasem to spełnianie marzeń ma w sobie tak wielką dawkę ryzyka, że n...
Krzywa Prosta
Film amerykański
My Ten Fall Favorites In New Orleans!
Youre cordially invited to visit New Orleans! The city is calling. Its my favorite time of year in beautiful New Orleans! The air is markedly less swampy, with just a hint of chill in the night air. Fall brings a ...
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This Is How We Weekend
Listen up. Its time to take our weekend-ing seriously. Most of us get two preciously consecutive days away from work and we need to make the most of it but not in an overachiever, do-all-the-things kind of way. We need t...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
How we weekend
One pot chicken with rice and vegetables...
I'm all for one pot dishes, it's not only laziness in regards to cleaning up afterwards, but also I find something strangely comforting and warming in those type of dishes... Especially this time of the year. It's Autumn, middle of October and last two...
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