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Let It Be Thursday!
Joy the Baker
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Let It Be Thursday!
Happy Thursday, my friends! The closer we get to the weekend, the more I find myself slouched at my computer staring at the screen. Procrastination is powerful. Because the Let It Be Sunday posts are my favorite to write and share eac...
Joy the Baker
24 wrz 15
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be
Beyond the Kitchen
206 przepisów
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Joy the Baker
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Let It Be Sunday!
Just a girl from California in the Deep South during the first real freeze of the Winter. Some of my plants froze to plant popsicles and my heater is broken and Ive layered every blanket my mom has knitted since 1995 atop my bed. Tr...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be sunday
Let It Be Sunday!
I dont much like the news this week. I dont much like it at all. Im tired of the Republicans yelling at me. Im tired of hearing people dissect all of the yelling that they did, as if I needed some sort of ...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be sunday
Let It Be Sunday!
We are in pain. A collective pain that no matter your race, religion, or geography, seems inescapable. What do we do with it? We have to use it. We can not ignore it. Perhaps this is the pain we need to create the change we ne...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be sunday
Let It Be Sunday!
I become a super nester in the days before I leave for a long stint of travel. Suddenly my house is stocked unflinchingly with toilet paper, theres no sign of running out of paper towels, theres cat food for months, and all of the ...
Joy the Baker
Let it be sunday
Let It Be Sunday!
Happy Sunday, my friends! Did you know that Drake came out with a new album this week? That bodes well for Drake on Cake. Fun facts we learned about Drake this album: he loves the Cheesecake Factory, but hates to get in fights with h...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be sunday
Let It Be Sunday!
Its been a stunner of a week here in New Orleans. Those of us that live down here in the swamp are living it up, soaking in the clear days and perfect temperatures knowing that July is coming. July is hard and July is coming. ...
Joy the Baker
Let it be sunday
Let It Be Sunday!
Here we go! At it again, living like its a Sunday. I hope this week has been kind to you, or at least afforded you with a good parking space when you needed it and maybe a smile from a stranger. You know the little thin...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be sunday
Let It Be Sunday!
Hello, friends! Ive been in Boston this week signing books at theEat Boutique Holiday Market. If youre in the Boston area, you must go go go! Its lovely. So many great gifts for giving. I also got to m...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be sunday
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