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Tom Ford 2016 Spring/Summer Video with Lady Gaga
Full of Taste
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Tom Ford 2016 Spring/Summer Video with Lady Gaga
Instead of usual runway show of his Spring/Summer 2016 collection, Tom Ford presented a video starring Lady Gaga. Set to Nile Rodgers “I Want Your Love”, the video is basically a disco party with Gaga and models Mica Arganaraz, Lexi Continued P...
Full of Taste
06 paź 15
Lady Gaga
Nile Rodgers
Tom Ford
Tom Ford 2016 Spring/Summer
“I Want Your Love”
53 przepisów
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Tom Ford 2016 Spring/Summer Video with Lady Gaga
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Full of Taste
Lady Gaga
Nile Rodgers
Tom Ford
Tom Ford 2016 Spring/Summer
“I Want Your Love”
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