Buy Clotilde's latest book, The French Market Cookbook!
In honor of International Sweet Potato Week (yes, its a thing!), let me share my life-altering recipe for sweet potato []
The post Everything Sweet Potato Flatbreads Re...
I made the seasons first Sweet Potato Pie this past weekend and got tears in my eyes. Thats a true fact. Some things just always taste the same and always taste right.
If youve been around this humble corner of the int...
Buy Clotilde's latest book, The French Market Cookbook!
I love that you, my dear readers, keep me on my toes. I share posts and recipes that I hope []
The post Your Top 10 Recipes from 2016 appeared first on Chocolate Zucchini.
Buy Clotilde's latest book, The French Market Cookbook!
I am always curious about other peoples routine, and my favorite section in the French magazine ELLE is the page []
The post A Day in the Life appeared first on Chocolate Zucch...
Buy Clotilde's latest book, The French Market Cookbook!
In honor of International Sweet Potato Week (yes, its a thing!), let me share my life-altering recipe for sweet potato []
The post Everything Sweet Potato Flatbreads Re...
The sweet potato is an incredibly versatile tuber, but I tend to prepare them in the same two or three []
The post Sweet Potatoes: 40 Irresistible Ways to Use Them appeared first on Chocolate Zucchini.
I've noticed recently that I'm eating less and less meat. Not only the red meat but meat in general. It isn't planned, it just happens to be that way... what really surprises me is that I'm not really missing the meat as such. Don't understand me wrong...