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Blogmas 21 - Make this week fabulous
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//= blogData($blog_data['id'], 'blog_description') ?>
Blogmas 21 - Make this week fabulous
Menu obiadowe na świąteczny tydzień rozpisane, na liście zakupów tylko cztery produkty, pełen minimalizm. Sałatkę jem na śniadania i obiady już od 3 dni, pierogi ulepione wczoraj czekają w zamrażalce, kompot zajmie 5 minut uwagi. Nie śmiejcie się czase...
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21 gru 18
26 przepisów
//= tagData($id, 'tag_name') ?>//= blog_tag_url_template(blogData(tagData($id, 'blog_id')), tagData($id)) ?>//= tagData($id, 'tag_name') ?>//= getTagThumbnailUnique($id) ?>
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Let It Be Sunday, 200!
Hello my dears! Bless up! Weve made it to another fine Sunday. Can you believe this marks our 200th edition of Let It Be Sunday!? Its the most visited post on my site each week and it fills my heart that we ...
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Hello dear friends! This week Ive been thinking a lot about time and attention and just how precious those things are. I try to make the most of every day in work and tasks, sure but the rest of my attention is so valuable and I...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be sunday
Let It Be Sunday, 192!
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Friday Finds 5.20.16
I think I cursed myself last week by saying I didnt believe in the powers of Friday the 13th because the powers that be decided to make this week a solid 0/10 for me. On Sunday, as Mike and I... The post Friday Finds 5.20.16 appeared first on i...
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Thursday Inspiration
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Let It Be Sunday!
Here we go! At it again, living like its a Sunday. I hope this week has been kind to you, or at least afforded you with a good parking space when you needed it and maybe a smile from a stranger. You know the little thin...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be sunday
Let It Be Sunday!
This photo is ameditation on sitting and wait. Ive been in the kitchen this week experimenting with recipes that are outside of my wheelhouse. That use of the word wheelhouse is 100% ridiculous. Please know...
Joy the Baker
Beyond the Kitchen
Let it be sunday
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