Were home after being on the road for weeks and it feels so good. As much as I love traveling, I love the home life: comfy home clothes, knowing all my things are in the right place, and getting to...
The post Friday Finds: 5.6.16 appeared firs...
Happy Black Friday! It's time to shop, shop, shop. But more importantly, it's time for CHRISTMAS!!!
The post Friday Finds 11.25.16 appeared first on i am a food blog.
I think I cursed myself last week by saying I didnt believe in the powers of Friday the 13th because the powers that be decided to make this week a solid 0/10 for me. On Sunday, as Mike and I...
The post Friday Finds 5.20.16 appeared first on i...
Woah, didnt even realize it was Friday the 13th until writing up the title of this post! Are you guys superstitious at all? Im not particularly, in regards to the 13th, but sometimes the idea of it freaks me out....
The post Friday Finds...
Its a new year and Im bringing back Friday Finds! I feel off the Friday Finds wagon for a while there when I was traveling, but its back, baby! Speaking of traveling, I should really put up some of the...
The post Friday Finds: 1....
Did you guys have an awesome week? I absolutely did! Last weekend, Mike and I had the best time hanging with Alana and her man, Moses. We spent our time making dim sum and even though there was an incident...
The post Friday Finds: 10.16.15 appeared f...